The RiPol-principle explained

The dispersion pattern of regular bass principles is, below a certain frequency, omni-directional. A dipol is physically clearly defined and shows a typical 8-shaped dispersion. The RiPol is a special kind of bass-dipol.


Its special enclosure gives a RiPol not that exact symmetrical dispersion. Because the intensity radiated from the front in relation to the back is different, a RiPol has an asymmetrical dispersion pattern, which leads to a beneficial in-room frequency response. Because the dispersion of a RiPol does not follow the classic 8-shape, a RiPol is not a typical dipol but one of its own kind. Dispersion diagrams show clearly the difference compared to a classical dipol, which justifies its own name, RiPol (as a combination of "dipol" and the last name of its inventor, Axel Ridtahler).


The RiPol-enclosure has a strong effect on its dispersion pattern. It prevents, that the air produced by the chassis movement gets out of the way too quickly, so that the radiation resistance increases. The natural resonance of the drivers is lowered when mounted in a RiPol-enclosure, which improves the reproduction quality of the lower bass region the smaller the enclosure gets (!!). There is however a limit, that is why the dimensions of a RiPol-enclosure have to be iteratively optimized, calculated and simulated. The arrangement of the two drivers opposite of each other in addition realizes a benefitial impulse compensation. At the same time the enclosure has a very small footprint.


A RiPol disperses low frequencies in certain directions, to the front and ,with different intensity and 180° revered phase, to the back. This attribute reduces harmful standing waves in the room. These are energy-retention effects within a room, also called room modes. In a listening room standing waves can cause the impression of inertial bass energy that does not fade away. Bass-heavy speakers float the room with bass energy and leave the impression of a slow or sluggish bass. A RiPol, through its rear chambers, produces "antimatter" at low frequencies, that prevents this effect to emerge. A bass impulse is created and, through its counter-wave that comes from the back, the continuance of the standing wave is prevented. As a result the signal is not blurred by its own overlay. These attributes make the RiPol one of the most musical bass-principles on the market.


And there is another effect of note: Because of the directed bass dispersion, to the left an the right side of a RiPol there is no deep bass. These areas are a good spot for placing sensitive components like turntables, amplifier, CD-players etc. Placed next to a RiPol these electronics are not disturbed by deep bass and can do their work without interference!

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