Why the MusikBass plays so precise

The MusikBass was developed for experienced music lovers, who value a precise and deep bass and those, who suffer from room modes/resonances. The MusikBass can also support electrostatic/magnetostatic speakers as well as other speakers that have a tight and precise bass, where common subwoofers are perceived being too "slow".

Homecinema is also possible. But for the in this area often desired high volume level and for large listening rooms we recommend to use two MusikBass subwoofer.


The basic advantages of the RiPol-principle are:

  • Room resonances are excited to a lesser extent
  • Very deep bass response (18 Hz at -6dB near field measurement) with small cabinet dimensions, because the resonance frequency in a RiPol-enclosure is lowered
  • Precise chassis movement due to open cabinate, which is also less susceptible to resonances
  • Impulse compensation due to opposing chassis arrangement
  • Using an external power amplifier module allows matching its quality/power to own needs

On the following pages you can learn more about the RiPol-principle, the advantages of the MusikBass, the technical features, the amplifier that ModalAkustik offers as well as how to connect and set up the MusikBass (see navigation lane above).


If you have any further questions feel free to contact us: info@modalakustik.de, +49 178 3969 382 or via our contact form.

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ModalAkustik e.K.
Inhaber/Owner: Michael Wydra
Pulheimer Str. 8
50259 Pulheim

USt-IdNr.: DE319773008
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 72196312
eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichtes Köln
Handelsregisternummer HRA 33553

Informationspflichten gemäß §18 Abs. 2 Elektro- und Elektronikgerätegesetz: www.take-e-way.de/leistungen/elektrogesetz-weee-elektrog/berichts-informationspflichten/